مواضيع اليوم


mido love

2013-03-31 23:34:22


why you have not heart

why you can’t feeling

myself near you

why you have not eyes

my life for you

why you can’t hold me

my heart cry of you

why you have not words

my love is true to you

why you have not believe

i know it is my life

but i know too it is your life

just taking a right look

so you will find yourself

it is my heart says that to you

and my mind need too

why you have not words

to says what you wanted

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آخر الأخبار من إيلاف

إقرأ المزيــد من الأخبـار..

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عذراً... لم يقوم المدون برفع أي فيديو !