مواضيع اليوم

sayed mohammad ali el husseiny Dear followers:"from our stress on the sanctity of Islamic prejudice

محمد كنفودي

2013-05-28 18:44:30


Dear followers:"from our stress on the sanctity of Islamic prejudice or challenge or insult in the symbols of the nation of the companions and the mothers of the believers and we are innocent of all from eating or dealing with bad mothers of the believers or companions Almentajabin and 
Collaborate with scientists of the nation and its leaders to head off strife in the meadows and media that serve the enemies and seek to differentiate between Muslims ". 
 This our Islam and our faith, I am a Muslim.
"Eminence Mr. Mohamed Ali El-Husseini Lebanese".
Office Sayed El Husseini .Lebanon 
P.O.BOX : 25-5092 GHOUBEIRY 1 - BEIRUT - LEBANON || Phone:009613961846
Skype name: sayedelhusseini 

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