Yemeni Blogger Nashwan Ghanem Decries Assassination Attempts and Harrassment

Nashwan Ghanem, Yemeni blogger
A follow up to the story of Nashwan Ghanim who blogged that the Vice President’s media secretary had something to do with the attack on the US embassy in September.
Nashwan has been subjected to three assassination attempts and continued harrassments and violations since September, and he understandably is in fear of his life. I am still putting it all together, so check back later for updates, or just wait for the article. I’m really getting tired of this psychotic, dirtbag regime.
Note from Nashwan:
لا تزال الغرفة مغلقة وحياتي تقترب من نقطة الخطر ,,فإليكم وصيتي الأخيرة
لا تزال الغرفة مغلقة وحياتي تقترب من نقطة الخطر ,,فإليكم وصيتي الأخيرة
لا تزال الغرفة مغلقة وحياتي تقترب من نقطة الخطر ,,فإليكم وصيتي الأخيرة
بعد نشر هذا المقال ،أصبحت الآن في الشارع..عمدت السلطة اليوم إلى إغلاق غرفتي ,وقد تكون كلماتي هذه هي الأخيرة بيننا,سوى عن طريق إغلاق الغرفة أو مظاهرات فلسطين أو عن طريق شقة أصدقائي تحت ذريعة النسا كما قلت لكم من قبل, فما الذي أقوله لكم الآن ؟ هل أقول لكم وداعا دون أي مواعيد مسبقة ؟ هل أقول لكم أنني تحت خط الخطر أو بالأحرى خط الموت العلني ؟ إذآ ماذا أقول لكم ؟ فغرفتي أصبحت ذريعة للسلطة تلجأ لإستخدامها في لحظة تريد من وراءها حصاد جسدي!!
فهل عثر واحد منكم يا عالم على سلطة ٍ كهذه؟ هل وجدتم مثل هذا النموذج القذر الذي يستخدم أسوأ أنواع الأسلحة في سبيل إبادة كاتب مدونة ؟في سبيل التخلص منه بكل الطرق والأساليب الوحشية؟؟ قد أقول لكم وداعا بهذه الكلمات البسيطة !! ولكنني أود أن أقول لكم شيئا يليق بالوداع وبرحلة الكتابة, هذه السلطة تستخدم كل أوراق الضغط لديها في سبيل تحقيق مشروع إبادة كاتب مدونة لا أكثر فعليكم أن تكتبوا وصيتي هذه في كل مكان وفي كل زمان !!!نشوان عبده علي غانم
صنعاء -اليمن.
مهندس إتصالات.
في حضرة الموت ,,ملاحظة: الغرفة السابقة التي تقع في شارع الستين مقابل جامعة اليمن هي التي تم إغلاقها ,وأنتقلت إلى شقة أصدقائي مؤقتا وعنوانها :خلف مقر التجمع الوحدوي الناصري وصالة المودة للأفراح
(And a bad google translation:)
The room is still closed and my life is approaching the point of danger, you have my last will.
Following the publication of this article, (the authority) is now in the street … (they) have the authority to close the day in my room, and it might be my last day.
What I say to you now? Should I say goodbye to you without any pre-dates? Can I tell you I am under the threat of death or rather the line of the public? What if I tell you?
Have one of you found any authority of such a world? Do you find such a model, which dirty the worst types of weapons used in the extermination of the blogger? For the disposal of all the barbaric methods and techniques?? You may say goodbye to these simple words!!
But I would like to tell you something worthy of a trip goodbye and writing, this power is used all the papers of the pressure to have in order to achieve the extermination of the blogger, you have nothing more to write than wills at all places, all the time!!!
Nashwan Ali Abdo Ghanem
Sana’a - Yemen.
Communications engineer.
M 10/1/2009.
In the presence of death
So of course as a side issue is his allegation that promted such a brutal and vindictive response from the regime. Going to dig up the name, BRB…
(Update: “He claimed that Yahya Al-Arasi, whom he said was the press secretary of the Vice President of Yemen, was directly involved in the attack.” )
In the meantime, more bad Google translation:
Is the blogger killed in Yemen an inveitability and necessary for the Authority of Yemen?!
There are many examples of the daily stresses firmly and categorically that show the State in its full strength has assumed the mission of assassinating a blogger, a blogger arrested on trumped-up charges and then executed him!!
There is a direct consequence of the killing methods:
First: for example, my visit to my friends apartment in the capital, the holders of houses corresponding to the department intended to open the windows of their homes to the moment I entered the apartment…to be killed under this false justification, a swift and deadly death, even though I was not a resident with them, and this in strategy!!Second: A car and firearms, such as what happened to me today. I was hit in the back of the head with a passenger car…as well as the incident with the bullets before this, miraculously survived death.
There are ways of indirectly seeking to overthrow me after charges of child trafficking to Saudi Arabia, as I told you in previous letters from the pursuit and prosecution of which I have. The (arbitrary) detention will be through many ways such as: To pay rent my room to the room and it would be a great crime in the eyes of the Yemen!
Or if I go to the road leading to the French embassy in Sanaa (I was beaten by security), or even go to the street, which leads to the airport,
Or by demonstrations of Palestine or the other, which did not join the ever!!May you, defenders of freedom of speech, honor of the truth together!!
Nashwan Ali Abdo Ghanem
Sana’a - Yemen.
In the presence of the blockade and the death.
9/1/2009 PM
From November, IFEX
CAIRO, November 19, 2008 (ANHRI/IFEX) – The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information has strongly condemned the harassment and threats against engineer Nashwan Abdu Ali Ghanim, whose blog on Katib website is now blocked in Yemen by the state security. The threats and harassment are based on his articles about the consequences of a terrorist operation targeting the U.S. embassy in Yemen, in which he accused certain political and military leaders of being involved in the attacks.
Military leaders too??? Oh my, couldn’t be… Of course I’m being sarcastic. The Yemeni adminstration is a cancer that has metastasized in the region.
Yemeni blogger appeals to prevent possible assassination
(Sana’a – Yemen) In a rather emotional entry posted on his blog, Nashwan Abdu Ali Ghanim, a Yemeni blogger with blogs on and called upon international advocacy groups and the Arab Bloggers Union to come for his rescue upon escaping ‘three failed assassination attempts’. Ghanim believes that his latest blog entry noting the involvement of senior Yemeni officials in the plotting of the attack carried out against the U.S. embassy in Sana’a on September 17, 2008 triggered a new wave of harassments and life-threatening acts. “They want to kill me… So I urge you to immediately intervene” he said in a blog entry dated Tuesday November 18, 2008…
Ghanim said he was chased by various elements in the country, threatened of being killed, besieged in his home, and exposed to other acts of harassment by government authorities after he had published a controversial article on the website of the Washington, DC-based Al-Hewar Center, which promotes online forum discussions and dialogue on matters of concern to the Arab world.
In his article, Ghanim accused the regime of being behind the attack on the U.S. Embassy which killed ten people and resulted, at the time, in the temporary suspension of the embassy’s activities. He claimed that Yahya Al-Arasi, whom he said was the press secretary of the Vice President of Yemen, was directly involved in the attack and blame extremist elements for it in order to exploit the U.S. for financial aid and to achieve several other objectives.
It is worth noting this article was not the first that Ghanim mentioned Al-Arasi by name as he had frequently written in discussion forums and in his blog about Al-Arasi’s involvement in various acts of intimidation and threats against him.
I have a vareity of people asking me if I think the regime had anything to do with the attack on the US embassy, and I keep saying, No they are not that stupid. But maybe they are. Come to think of it, attributing any actions to the intelligence level or rationality of the Yemeni government is a bad move.