مواضيع اليوم

TED = Technology, Entertainment, and Design. التقنية، والترفيه، والتصميم

momo momo

2009-05-15 03:33:28


TED = Technology, Entertainment, and Design.
التقنية، والترفيه، والتصميم.

في بدايته عام 1984 م (1404 هـ)، كان تيد عبارة عن مؤتمر سنوي يجمع المتخصصين في هذه المجالات الثلاثة لتبادل الأفكار والإبداع، إلا أنه توسع بعد ذلك ليشمل مجالات متنوعة من علوم وتقنية وفكر وفنون اقتصاد وبيئة وأعمال خيرية وغيرها. فغيّر القائمون على المؤتمر رسالته إلى “أفكار تستحق الانتشار”
Ideas worth spreading.

وفي عام 2006، بدأ القائمون على المؤتمر بنشر مقاطع مرئية للكلمات التي يلقيها الضيوف على الإنترنت لتزاد شعبية المؤتمر في أرجاء المعمورة.


الموقع الرسمي: www.ted.com

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Send us your BIO and slides about your Idea to be on our next shows.

About TEDx, x=independently organize event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-
organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.
At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep
discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized
events are branded TEDx, where x=independently organized TED event.
The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but
individual TEDx events are self-organized.
(Subject to certain rules and regulations)
About TED
TED is an annual event where some of the world’s leading thinkers and
doers are invited to share what they are most passionate about. “TED”
stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design — three broad subject areas
that are, collectively, shaping our future. And in fact, the event is broader
still, showcasing ideas that matter in any discipline. Attendees have called
it “the ultimate brain spa” and “a four-day journey into the future.” The
diverse audience — CEOs, scientists, creatives, philanthropists — is almost
as extraordinary as the speakers, who have included Bill Clinton, Bill Gates,
Jane Goodall, Frank Gehry, Paul Simon, Sir Richard Branson, Philippe
Starck and Bono.
TED was first held in Monterey, California, in 1984. In 2001, Chris
Anderson’s Sapling Foundation acquired TED from its founder, Richard Saul
Wurman. In recent years, TED has expanded to include an international
conference, TEDGlobal; media initiatives, including TED Talks and TED.com;
and the TED Prize. TED2010, “What the world Needs Now,” will be held
Feb 9-13, 2010, in Long Beach, California, with a simulcast event in Palm
Springs, California. TEDGlobal 2009, “The Substance of Things Not Seen,”
will be held July 21-24, 2009, in Oxford, UK and TEDIndia will be held in
November 2009

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