مواضيع اليوم

Media Impact And Political Resolution Strategy

علي آل طالب

2011-09-22 09:51:56


Research Brief Summary,


Media Impact 
And  Political Resolution Strategy

(Association of Anti Terrorism War after September 11th)




- Research title: Media Impact and Political Resolution Strategy/Association of Anti Terrorism War after September 11th
- M.Sc Thesis, Information and Public Relations
- Prepared by Researcher: Altaleb, Ali Hussain A
- Supervisor: Dr. Mohamed Naji Mashrah
- National University, Yemen
- Academic year: 2006-2007 G

[ Introduction ]

This study focuses on the importance of the impact of media on public opinion and its role as an additional weapon used by USA in its numerous wars. This study stressed on media act and reactions to Sep. 11th incident. This gives the opportunity to understand the continuous relation between the political resolution and media role and the double roles played by such relation in making resolutions and scenes, even if this meant resorting to deceit and manipulation to conform with political and military resolutions.
The measurement of positive and negative clash between politics from one side and media from the other side tackled by this study is not new if the latter did not part with subjectivity and neutrality when reporting the incident and during exchange of information to the manufacturing of deceit, manipulation, and forgery of facts to serve political agenda. This what is pointed out by the events when Bush (Jr.) declared war against Afghanistan and Iraq as a reaction to Sep. 11th incident after the USA and its allies launched a program “against terrorism” which was transformed to a heavy stick pointed in the face of all those who think of getting the enmity of the American Empire1 Media becomes the indicator of political intentions and handling crisis, each according to its nature and characteristic. This study tried to build for the opinion that media was not just the crane of American wars but was on par with diplomacy and struggle management. It was always the helping factor before and after any step the American Administration intends to take.
This study paid great attention to adopting scientific research elements in the same field of specialization, so it is not strange if the course of this research witnessed the establishment of a special look to media which is the corner stone of the research and the extent of its relation with politics to wage deep in all that ie related to the body that orchestrates such political media game, whether inside or outside USA, to lay its hands on the most important documents and press announcements upon which it is possible to build and know who is behind many of the resolutions of the American Administration after the Zionist Lobby infiltrated in the American society and controlled the most important points of affect through a wide spectrum of relations with influential persons at all religious, political, economic, diplomatic, and media levels. Not churches alone are targeted, but all posts that might make an influential opinion of political resolution.
The study points to the most important programs and plans affecting the American Congress resolution through Jewish lobbies that own majority of capitals of the most important companies of multi vital concerns which can have impact on the American and international economy. This in addition to control of such lobbies of the most audio video and printed media to join shoulders with Zionist lobby plans of the American policy at domestic and international levels. The study discussed the roles played by the American media in the two wars fought by America against Afghanistan and Iraq and the guided media activity that preceded these two wars which justified them after intensive operations to mobilize private and public opinion, and accordingly the political resolution as planned.
The researcher dedicated a special chapter for the role that can be performed by the Zionist lobby, focusing on the most important pressing cards to be used to protect the Israeli project in the Middle East. It is important to point out here to the pressures that the new conservatives may exert in favor of the Israeli project and its avidities in the region. Israel’s occupation of Palestine or some territories was not enough to satisfy its greediness but just the first step of a group of plans, so or even the military movement is not isolated from such programs and plans. The research confirmed that Israel had the longer hand to expedite the American decision to go into the Iraqi war. It is not an exaggeration if it is proven that Israel fought this war side by side with western alliance forces.
The study raised several questions concerning the western monopoly of media although there are many field for such media as well as the questions of the extent of consistency between strategic visions and media as performance and work system and this led the study to raise the question of the correction and qualification of Arabic media so that it will become a competitor of western media. The study also reviewed parts of the Arabic media experiment during the last war in Iraq where western media came to rely on some Arabic satellite channels for some news and information materials.
The study revealed that despite the endeavors made by the western media to support political agenda and the success realized in Afghanistan and Iraq wars, there are many cases of failures followed by military failure. Actually needed withdrawal from Iraq is barred by strategic consequences and failure to realize desired objectives. The humiliating defeat suffered by Israeli army in Lebanon and resisting media role in uncovering Israeli practices in Palestine and Lebanon is revealed by the study.
The Zionist lobby would not have realized certain successes if it was not supported by a vital integrated base enjoying great influence relying on the economic, political, and social stability and protection against sudden vibrations. The study paid attention to the media role which fostered the factors of fetching for ways and methods that help finding many opportunities of success, that is to say whatever the volume of political or military failures, compensation will be catered for to preserve image and dignity.
It is to be pointed here that there are cases of confusion or failures in the Arabic media experiment when it is directly dealing with daily event or scene. This is attributed to many reasons, the cardinal of which is political instability which is reflected on economic, and may be social, uncertainty, so it is logical that the Arabic media took a different path from the general political trend.


[ Research Problem ]

Research problem lies in the ability of American media machine to hijack truth with all its details, not only this but also continue pumping manipulations and mystifications of facts. Peoples would be victims of waves of tricks and frauds. This happens while Arabic media suffers inability despite outstanding privileges affected by Arabic media at the beginning of the twenty first century where it proved a lot of competition in the American war against Iraq but it did not attain an equal status with the western media. Here lies the difference in impact and control of political decision making and leads the research to go in two double themes: the influential American media system vis-à-vis the soft gelatinous Arabic media which still lacks the minimum prevention against globalization challenges.
The research took numerous tracks interpreted into an attempt to reply very important questions through the researcher were able to observe the adopted objectives. Most important of these are:

First question: What is the strategic impact of the American media industry?
Second question: What is the role of media impact theories adopted by American media to cheat and mislead Islamic and Arab world peoples?
Third question: What are the ways and methods adopted by American media to get approval for all its plans and projects?
Fourth question: What does the tension between media and politics and what is the similarity between Arabic media and American project?
Fifth question: How can Arabic media compete with American one in terms of impact and where is its standing vis-à-vis globalized media?


[ Treatments and visions ]

Subjectively and scientifically, we believe that the research saved no effort to reply such questions although it discussed a collection of opinions which did not give direct replies but significantly participated in the crystallization of numerous and different visions that might bring solutions which help to find specific and accurate replies. It discussed (American media and associations of Sep. 11th, 2001G), (Impact of Zionist lobby in media industry), (Media and politics...who leads the other), (Media manipulation and impact on truth blackout) and finally the last theme will be (American anti terrorism war.. Iraq model)
As the research aims to build objective vision towards the American media system in particular and decision strategy after the Sep 11th incident, trying to understand the impact resulting from the nature of relation between the two relying on media handling where the research unveils the methods and ways adopted by the American media and adaptation according to the White House strategy. The research tracks the period after the New York 2001 incident in terms of media planning and the strategic decisions and the relation of both in the wars waged by USA and its allies in Afghan and Iraq. The research does not exclude statistics process of the ceaseless material and moral support to the Zionist entity with respect to the Palestinian file or other flaming files in Lebanon and Syria. Also the research managed to underscore Zionist lobby and its influence in American reality and its tight control of the American foreign policy particularly with respect to the Middle East. The research tries to monitor media impact before, during, and after the strategic plan and its several impacts in military, political, diplomatic, or economic sides.


[ Research importance ]

Research importance lies in focusing on misleading western media industry and utilization of the same pursuant to the western and American strategic interests and the extent of its impact on the Arabic, Islamic, and third world reality. Doubtless such double policies come at a time when control and power is acknowledged, it does not admit the weak to join its world which obsessed with pragmatism. Naturally the outputs and plans are colored according to its requirements. Executive masks differ from one country to another and from geopolitical sphere to another. It does not target one meaning but have intermingling titles connected to manipulation or ignorance. Theme of research importance is media manipulation which became an instrument of oppression as Herbert Schiller said. He added that media manipulation” is a process of subjecting wide masses the opinion of the minority which governs and move public opinion wherever and whenever it wants.”
The nature of this research dictated that it follows the description of events and response to the historical method in many cases. This is witnessed in its multi dimensional titles. There are four themes. The first: American media and Sep. 11th incidents. The second: The third: centralization of western media and modulation of concepts. The fourth: Political effect and media impact. The second chapter discussing (Zionist lobby and political media industry) comes into five folds: First: Zionist lobby and media influence. Second: Zionist lobby and media industry. Third: Zionist lobby between diplomacy and power. Fourth: The new conservatives and the Israeli project. Fifth: Media impact in decision making in the American Congress. The third and last chapter is dedicated to (American anti terrorism war.. the Iraqi example). Although the research trend is the qualitative without ignoring quantity, yet it tried to draw enhanced steps towards description as the case with most researches that address such topics especially if the matter is pertaining to and associated with multi political, military, and economic visions. There are some deliberately selected cases as dictated by the objectives of this study , sometimes this culminated by certain sceneries which are more or less like photographed scenes. (Association of the Manhattan New York event). As for time consideration, the research obliges us to consider single time which is like a photographic shot described and analyzed by the research. I believe that the research concentrated on the period that followed the Sep. 11th events.
Many terms included in the research need to be identified and explained specially that events are still of current concern as the International Alliance Forces are occupying Iraq. Events continue and grand strategic projects are there although different from short run policies scenarios. They remain a continuous and everlasting bet.

1- Media industry: It means the utilization of all media) radio, TV, satellite channels, press, internet) to monopolize, control, and direct information according to fabricated media materials consistent with manipulation and tricks. It is not surprising that the scientific concept of such media elements and communication methods is an evil fiercely knocking on our doors- as individuals and groups- without permission. This entails intangible and indirect dimensions that can never be ignored.
2- Media manipulation (fabrication): Manipulation means the impact on any person, group, organization, or nation in way entailing misguidance, cheating, and manipulation. The danger is inherent in ousting the mental vision of those deceived by manipulation to the extent that they come to believe the manipulating reality is the genuine one. Herbert Schiller expressed this (Media manipulation always assumes a fake reality which is the continuous denial of its existence).
3- Media endorsement of American policy agenda (American projects of hegemony of Arab world): These are successive initiatives being marketed among the peoples dominated by hegemony discourse through military agenda or different sanctions in addition to direct and indirect interference.
4- There are several important terms demanded by the research and will be placed as foot notes.

It is worthy to mention to media employment which played major roles in large strategic projects that drew power and influence aspects of USA in consideration that it is a world super power. It is important to take off from the reflected political impact which casted shadows on media picture. Among such projects are:

A- International dualism before the collapse of the Soviet Union.
i. Truman Project 1949 G which assures the provision of aid to Arab world countries under western domain.
ii. Quadruple leadership of the Middle East 1951 G aiming for concluding political and military alliances with region’s countries.
iii. Middle East Project after the American media strove to impose it as an alternative to the terms Arab and Islamic world.
iv. Eisenhower Project 1957 G to express new regional political reality after the failure of the Triple Aggression on Egypt 1956G.

B- Projects of a single pole represented in USA as a world super power.
i. `Large Middle East Project extending, in the American concept, from Pakistan to Morocco.
ii. New Middle East Project which carried the title of anti terrorism war which started by the war against Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq, and the collaboration of America with the Israeli entity in its aggression against Lebanon and occupation of Palestine. This project generated many methods, the most important of which is the adoption of “creative chaos” principle, feeding feuds between nation sectors to divide them to serve the Zionist American interests (divide and rule). The American media machine contributed to the creation of disparity to endorse many political agenda which violate human norms and laws. One of the major themes upon which the research is built are the consequences of the last project- the new Middle East Project and media requirements in the war against terrorism due to the great role played, indeed still playing, in this concern particularly that terrorism wave is escalating due to the daily life of the Islamic and Arabic worlds.

This research comes under the shadow of significant expansion in most specialized researches which discussed this subject, although they tried to establish close relationship between media and politics, but most of them have discussed the issue in general through different scenes and events. Therefore this research might contribute to the illustration of relations between the two and choice of the American policy as a fulcrum judging by the action of the American media itself. This research is linked to media exploitation according to special political agenda. Live scenes in other researches follows under many titles the reality of political projects bearing salvation to peoples via freedom, democracy, human rights, and other slogans, although they are clumsy and unclear.
So this research is disconnected from such locomotive, this lot of researches in terms of form and description and also in terms of content. Most researches, although scarce, made of these ideas a pivot for discussion but they did not conclude in touching reality as it is. We are coming close through this intensive research to giving a realistic picture in the follow up of the newly generated political scene and which will intensively pump many controversial questions concerning the present Arabic media. This might contribute to laying foundation contradicting with the nature of traditional norms which dramatically rush towards the scene. This unveils the volume of media crisis and involvement in political projects. This research discussed some live scenes adopted by the American media particularly during its military campaigns against Afghanistan and Iraq and the assistance offered by the Zionist entity whether with respect to the occupation of Palestine or what recently occurred in July 2006 war against Lebanon. This in addition to many campaigns of pressing strategic and diplomatic nature on the Islamic and Arab world. Although they are not military but they cannot do without organized media support. Accordingly the research comes closer to discussing the most important American political issues with respect to the media machine and its reality particularly that the issue is related to the mechanism of such media which affects crisis management according to long, medium, and short term media impact theories.


[ Why is this study ]?

It is necessary to explain the reasons behind the choice of the idea of this subject. The most important one may be is the western media collaboration to support and assure war decision. This is obvious after Sep. events where western media joined forces with the strategic military decision and transferring battle field from west to east in a dramatic way through intension of public opinion to justify war against Afghanistan and Iraq as well as Lebanon and support the Zionist entity to occupy Palestine and neighboring territories. This is a long term strategic plan.
The American plans always resort to bet on pragmatism even if this led to falsifying facts. they even go further to take measurements that contribute to the spreading of lies, fake news, and changing facts to serve their aggressive intents. This occurs while the relation between the American Ministry of Defense(the Pentagon) and the regular military army results in an accord to establish a work place for the purpose of making the media a major party in the equation of defending the American national security according to studied media facts that might employ the world in the service of its plans and avidities even if it has to create lying and fraud scenarios and invent news stories in foreign press or forge documents published in the internets and web sites. Discussion is concentrated on what is published by the American “New York Times” about a secret order signed by Rumsfeld late 2003 named (Road map of media operations). The order is written in 74 pages and remained classified but officials said that it expedited the creation of (a plan rise up the goals of media operations in consideration that it is a basic military efficiency or merit).

Q : What is the Arabic media crisis and competition with international media market.. What is the solution?

The research reached a collection of results and recommendations, summarized as follows:

[ First: Results ]

1- Media in its current position is subject to political agenda .Even if it is based on different nature, it will not be separated from its current status. This an old criteria revealed by the last events since Sep. 11th and the wars waged by America against Afghanistan and Iraq.
2- The Zionist lobby and the Jewish Group is in some way or another in charge of managing the American political game domestically and abroad. This means that presidential elections and war management are not an exception.
3- Emptying media from honesty and neutrality concepts led to bad roles: spreading lies, distorting facts, deceit and fabrications industry, etc due to the political utilization and lack of independence as a modern communication system.
4- Concealing Arabic awareness by driving it in open ended priorities so that it cannot realize which is the most important. The reason is attributed to imported and locally made cultural materials which are pumped in an organized density targeting Muslim youth to keep them busy and change their life style.
5- Developments of events and political reality reveals the catastrophic situation lived by the Arab world, starting from the proto type political regimes , through economic hijacking, and ending by religious, sectarian, and parties divisions. The study uncovered the role of media machine in all of this.
6- The study assumed, according to this, that the solution of the Arabic media impasse is to have priorities and adopt political reform factors. For sure this will cast its shadows on many important and major issues because the Arabic media and the correction of its path will remain subject to the improvement of the political conditions.
7- The study pointed out to the role played by research and study centers for the western media. Such centers shall be established in the Arabic space. Existing centers shall be activated in the required way.


[ Second: recommendations ]

1- the study calls for adopting an Arabic media vision free of Arabic political monopoly and western media monopoly. This cannot be attained without continuous unveiling of facts and plans upon which the western media which is subject to political agenda is based.
2- Cater for preparing an Arabic media strategy consistent with recent development to face challenges.
3- Disengagement with media centralization and information monopoly by some western media agencies. It is necessary to think seriously about this.
4- The study recommended freeing the media from political power by providing complete independence to the media under any system relieving media from political containment taking into consideration the western media experience which is also controversial.


Prepared by Researcher:

Altaleb, Ali Hussain A

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