مواضيع اليوم

Association space Taznakht and its orientation towards a tourismeDurable

ait oubrahim

2012-06-17 16:13:47


 Associative work to acquired these last years.

A unique position within the society as
Development has a pervasive role in the lives of urban and rural areas
And its population. This explains the large number
And the uplift of the associations which have been multiply
Vary, even now covers the main aspects of
The life of the population such as the environment, education and child and women
And disability... etc. In addition to being sought
To fill the gap in the field of the equipment
And basic services, that is to say in the resolution of the problems of the population
And to meet their needs, they are, in one of its dimensions
Schools are open to the community with all its components,
Working to raise the values of cooperation and solidarity
And citizenship as the intention to move pillars of culture
Responsibility, commitment and participation.
If the associative work in the dimensions of development
And education in general, what is more important, but
Becomes an absolute necessity in difficult times
Places and marginal regions. Since the area of Taznakht
Among the areas that
Been forgotten and marginalized for decades of
Par la mentalité coloniale et la politique dexclusion
Défini par léquilibre au Maroc est bénéfique malgré
Qualifications de naturel et humain, tous les travaux
Jmaua vise à faire progresser la région
Et aider les résidents à sortir du creuset de la pauvreté
Lignorance et lanalphabétisme est de toutes les formes de soutien financier
et moral.
Et la contribution de lAssociation de lespace Taznaan porté sur lenvironnement et le développement
Les efforts pour la réhabilitation des ressources humaines
Moyens darmement et de lefficacité et de rationalité dans la gestion des
Toutes les activités entreprises dans le
Stratégie fondée sur louverture et la participation à
La lumière du plein respect de lindépendance de lAssemblée et de sa dépendance sur ses ressources Aldhatih
Petit, qui découlent des activités génératrices de par lespace dun tourisme durable.

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