مواضيع اليوم

Asoociation EspaceTaznakht and sustainable tourism

ait oubrahim

2012-07-03 12:23:29




.Space taznakht Association wishing to engage in the system of sustainable tourism; To meet the needs of tourists and the host places the future protection and promotion opportunities. The network also aims to manage all resources in a way that allows them to achieve economic and social and aesthetic needs while maintaining the ecological processes important for the cultural integrity and biological diversity; Life support systems and is considered as your indication of operating in harmony with the environment, community and cultures.If all these elements among the beneficiaries are victims of tourism development. And the fact that our region-TAZNAKHT - as your indicator does not provide tourism, infrastructure support by the State. But just enough also richly endowed by nature and geographical location to add to the local production of almtwart historical...as well as space taznakht is an association of local and cultural development which works for the populations of ensure donations income generating activities the artisanal area;taznakht town old village. The ferrets and measure how social and solidarity economy is usually presented as all organisations bringing together four industry categories that different from each other by their status of whether associations, mutuals, cooperatives, foundations. It focuses on local development initiatives, rehabilitation and combating exclusion.As well as the social and solidarity economy through its values of solidarity, sharing, mutual assistance and mutuality, has always been the basis of Moroccan society. Today, social and solidarity economy plays an essential role in the development of our country, including cooperatives and associations that contribute actively to the creation and sustainability of activities generating income and jobs and work for the improvement of the living conditions of the populations economic and social. The role of its organizations, increased significantly since the launch of the NHRIS, which is the promotion of the activity generator of revenue (AGR) one of its main components.We need your encouragement.


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