مواضيع اليوم

Asian Muslims

shimaa w

2011-10-23 14:33:52



Large parts of Asia are predominantly Muslim. Here, the same Islamic laws and rules apply to everyday life and activities as anywhere within the Islamic world.Young Asian Muslims, like Muslims in any other part of the world, for instance, do not get involved in relationships to decide whether a person is going to be a potential life-partner.
For them, relationships between the opposite sexes outside their families or marriage are taboo. As a result, they are not able to date like teenagers in societies of other faiths.
So how is it possible for a Muslim in Asia to find a husband or wife? The process is a complicated one, and often begins at a young age by making friendships of the same sex. These friendships are cultivated and preserved throughout people lives, ultimately providing a network of familiar families.
When a son or daughter reaches the age to be married, their family will suggest a list of possible spouses from this network. One or both parents will then contact the family of the most likely candidates and arrange an initial meeting. 

At this meeting the young people are allowed to interact within a supervised setting. If they get on and agree to be married to each other, further such meetings will be arranged and engagements and weddings are typically arranged very quickly.The problem is, that although they will get to know one another to a certain extent, a deep understanding and real compatibility are rarely achieved before the marriage ceremony has taken place.Fortunately, technology is now changing this.

It can be safely said that this very modern part of life has become an acceptable part of ancient Islamic tradition. Because couples are not in any danger of falling prey to their desires, many families allow them to have their conversations in privacy, at least after a while.
Given that the person a relationship is thus formed with is accepted by the family as suitable, they will eventually meet, with their families present, and the usual arrangements for their engaement and ultimately marriage will be made.
Muslims around all of Asia are now taking advantage of this excellent service, and many happy Muslim marriages have been entered into as a result. 

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