مواضيع اليوم

صورة مهاجم الباص الاسرائيلي كان معتقل في غوانتنمو ووضاعة الاعلام العربي .

حسين الحرز

2012-07-20 18:53:32


ليس دفاعآ عن ايران او عن حزب الله  فلهم وسائل اعلامهم لتدافع عنهم لكن عندما فاجئني احد الزملاء وانا المطلع يوميآعلى الاعلام العربي وبعض الغربي يتفاصيل كاملة عن منفذ الهجوم الارهابي على الباص الاسرائيلي اصبت بدهشة من وضاعة الاعلام العربي الممول اكثره سعوديآ وقطريآ!!!!! والذي يحاول باي وسيلة جعل اسرائيل وامريكا تشن حرب على ايران وحزب الله وان احترقت المنطقة كلها .

فرئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي  المفروض انه سياسي محنك سارع لاتهام ايران وحزب الله دون دليل اوبرهان  والسبب ليس لقلة خبرته بل لان انسحاب حزب كاديما من حكومته والتظاهرات في مدن اسرائيل تستدعي تحويل الانظار الى اي شيء بعيد عنه ولا اكثر ملائمة من حزب الله وايران فالقى تنظيم القاعدة اليه طوق النجاة  بهذه العملية الارهابية .


تعبنا نحن العراقيين نقول لامريكا لا تطلقوا معتقلين غوانتنموا الى بلدانهم لان تلك البلدان لا تريدهم اصلا فاما ستوجهم لتفجير انفسهم ضد الاخرين او انها ستغض البصر عنهم وهذا ما حدث مرتين في العراق عندما سمحت الكويت الشقيقة! بسفر معتقلين من غوانتنموا الى العراق وقتلوا مئات العراقيين بتفجير انفسهم وعلى مسمع ومرئا الامريكان وعاتبنا الامريكان لكن بعض الامريكيين لديهم من الغباء بقدر عدم المبالاة بارواح الاخرين فسجونهم في بوكا اصبحت تحول السارق الى مشروع ارهابي بدعوى حقوق السجناء الانسانية!!!!!!! واليوم نفس الشيء يحدث ولاادري مع امتلاء السجون الامريكية بالقتلة المحكومين مدى الحياة لماذا لا يحبس هولاء لاوباش!او على الاقل ضعوا لهم سوار متابعة وضابط اطلاق مشروط كما هو الحال في الولايات المتحدة يعني بالعراقي (مو فد معضلة)!!!

منفذ الهجوم الانتحاري ضد الاسرائيليين  مهدي غزالي مواطن  من اصل جزائري  متجنس سويدي ! وهووهابي سلفي تكفيري ومن تنظيم القاعدة وكان له صولات وجولات قبل وبعد ان قبض عليه!!!!!!

ولكن القاعدة وكالعادة تقوم بابشع الاعمال وتلوم نوري المالكي وسوريا وحزب الله!!!!!! وايران! وكل ما هو شيعي ولو في المريخ!!!!!!  يساعدها في ذلك وضاعة الاعلام العربي


واليكم المقال غير مترجم لان ليس لدي وقت





Anti-Israel Bomber in Bulgaria Was Released From Gitmo Thanks To Left

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by William Bigelow 19 Jul 2012 185 post a comment
Leftists who hate Israel can rejoice; their efforts at securing the release of a Gitmo detainee and their subsequent lionizing of him allowed him to murder five Israelis in the bombing Wednesday in Burgas, Bulgarian. The bomber has been identified as Mehdi Ghezali, who was detained at Gitmo Bay in Cuba from 2002 to 2004.

According to Wikileaks documents, Ghazali was “uncooperative, unforthcoming and deceptive during interrogations.” His father had met with Abdolrahman Barzanjee, an Al Qaeda associate and possible Ansar Al-Islam coordinator for Europe (Ansar Al-Islam is a group of Sunni Muslims trying to turn Iraq into an Islamist state), and Ghazali was friends with a Swedish operative who was a close associate of Abu Zubadayah, a high-ranking official with Al Qaeda.

Ghazali, who was a Swedish citizen, was visited by members of the Swedish government frequently while he was in custody at Gitmo, and the Swedish media played up his incarceration. While Ghezali was detained at Gitmo, he was featured in the documentary Gitmo – The New Rules of War, a film that savaged Guantanamo Bay detention camp by film directors Erik Gandini and Tarik Saleh.

In February of 2004, Ghazali was reassessed and regarded as an enemy combatant who had gone to Afghanistan to support the Taliban, but although Gitmo concluded that he was a “medium risk, as he may possibly pose a threat to the US its interests and allies,” the decision to release him to Sweden followed: “Recommendation: JTF Gitmo recommends that this detainee be transferred to the control of another country for continued detention.”

He was released to Sweden on July 8, 2004. And guess how much he meant to the Swedish? He was flown home to Sweden by the Swedish Air Force on a Gulfstream IV jet, at the expense of the Swedish government.

Ghazali joined a July 4, 2006 demonstration held outside the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden calling for the closure of the Guantanamo Bay facility.

But the liberal Swedes weren’t done with nurturing Ghazali yet. He was arrested in September of 2009 in Punjab, Pakistan, on suspicions of having ties to al-Qaeda; Pakistani police chief Mohammad Rizwan described Ghezali as "a very dangerous man". But the Swedish newspaper The Local described his actions as "a harmless meeting with a Muslim revivalist movement, Tablighi Jamaat."

One month later, Ghezali was released to Sweden. The Swedish Ambassador even accompanied him on the flight home.

With all the help Ghezali received from the liberal media and liberal governments, it’s obvious they have blood on their hands. But the blood is Israeli, so don’t expect the Left to shed a single tear.

Correction: This article was originally attributed to Ben Shapiro. It should have been attributed to William Bigelow.Anti-Israel Bomber in Bulgaria Was Released From Gitmo Thanks To Left

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by William Bigelow 19 Jul 2012 185 post a comment
Leftists who hate Israel can rejoice; their efforts at securing the release of a Gitmo detainee and their subsequent lionizing of him allowed him to murder five Israelis in the bombing Wednesday in Burgas, Bulgarian. The bomber has been identified as Mehdi Ghezali, who was detained at Gitmo Bay in Cuba from 2002 to 2004.

According to Wikileaks documents, Ghazali was “uncooperative, unforthcoming and deceptive during interrogations.” His father had met with Abdolrahman Barzanjee, an Al Qaeda associate and possible Ansar Al-Islam coordinator for Europe (Ansar Al-Islam is a group of Sunni Muslims trying to turn Iraq into an Islamist state), and Ghazali was friends with a Swedish operative who was a close associate of Abu Zubadayah, a high-ranking official with Al Qaeda.

Ghazali, who was a Swedish citizen, was visited by members of the Swedish government frequently while he was in custody at Gitmo, and the Swedish media played up his incarceration. While Ghezali was detained at Gitmo, he was featured in the documentary Gitmo – The New Rules of War, a film that savaged Guantanamo Bay detention camp by film directors Erik Gandini and Tarik Saleh.

In February of 2004, Ghazali was reassessed and regarded as an enemy combatant who had gone to Afghanistan to support the Taliban, but although Gitmo concluded that he was a “medium risk, as he may possibly pose a threat to the US its interests and allies,” the decision to release him to Sweden followed: “Recommendation: JTF Gitmo recommends that this detainee be transferred to the control of another country for continued detention.”

He was released to Sweden on July 8, 2004. And guess how much he meant to the Swedish? He was flown home to Sweden by the Swedish Air Force on a Gulfstream IV jet, at the expense of the Swedish government.

Ghazali joined a July 4, 2006 demonstration held outside the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden calling for the closure of the Guantanamo Bay facility.

But the liberal Swedes weren’t done with nurturing Ghazali yet. He was arrested in September of 2009 in Punjab, Pakistan, on suspicions of having ties to al-Qaeda; Pakistani police chief Mohammad Rizwan described Ghezali as "a very dangerous man". But the Swedish newspaper The Local described his actions as "a harmless meeting with a Muslim revivalist movement, Tablighi Jamaat."

One month later, Ghezali was released to Sweden. The Swedish Ambassador even accompanied him on the flight home.

With all the help Ghezali received from the liberal media and liberal governments, it’s obvious they have blood on their hands. But the blood is Israeli, so don’t expect the Left to shed a single tear.

Correction: This article was originally attributed to Ben Shapiro. It should have been attributed to William Bigelow.


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