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شاهد بالصور اساليب حماس في القمع و التعذيب …….الا يكفيهم معاناة عشرات السنين من الاحتلال والتشرد

فلسطين أولاً

2010-05-04 17:25:13


Once again we are beholden to Gaza, that model for the coming world caliphate, for providing us infidels a lesson in Islamic civil governance.

No Gaza prayer deaths, but…

According to Palestine Press Agency (Arabic), 65 Fatah supporters were injured during Hamas/Fatah clashes this morning, two seriously. Six journalists were arrested by Hamas as well and their film confiscated. Many Fatah members were arrested.

Some pictures managed to get through. In this one, Reuters charmingly says:

Security forces from the Hamas Islamist movement arrest a member of the Fatah movement during clashes in the southern Gaza strip September 7, 2007
Doesn’t this look like a policeman arresting someone?Another pic:

Palestinian members of the Hamas Executive Force use their batons as they detain a Fatah supporter during clashes at a protest following Muslim prayers in Gaza City, Friday, Sept. 7, 2007.






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